Project Number Date
functional-tests 1 17 Feb 2025, 09:20

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@store 8 0 0 0 0 8 2 0 2 3.136 Passed
Feature: Pet Store orders
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Given User adds pet "Golden Retriever" to the pet store 0.368
And Places order for a pet with quantity of 5, ship date in 1 month with status approved 0.293
And Order is placed 0.669
When Removes order from pet store 0.285
Then Order will be successfully removed 0.305
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
Feature: Pet Store orders
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Given User adds pet "German Shepherd" to the pet store 0.324
When Places order for a pet with quantity of 5, ship date in 10 days with status placed 0.308
Then Order will be placed 0.580
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000