Project Number Date
functional-tests 1 17 Feb 2025, 09:20

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@blocker 23 0 0 0 0 23 10 0 10 18.963 Passed
Feature: Pets
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.001
Given User added pet "Beagle" to the pet store 0.286
When Pet status is set to "available" 0.299
Then it will be possible to sell it 0.292
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
Feature: Pet Store orders
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Given User adds pet "German Shepherd" to the pet store 0.324
When Places order for a pet with quantity of 5, ship date in 10 days with status placed 0.308
Then Order will be placed 0.580
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
Feature: Booking a Room
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.646
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' 2.920
Then Visitor will get Booking Successful! Message 0.643
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.111
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.151
Feature: Rooms Management
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.005
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 9.282
When User creates new Twin type Not Accessible room '115' priced at 150 GBP with 'WiFi, TV and Safe' 0.957
Then New Twin type Not Accessible room '115' priced at 150 GBP with 'WiFi, TV and Safe' will be created 2.241
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.005
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.001
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.337
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.182
Feature: Rooms Management
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.538
When User creates new Suite type Accessible room '118' priced at 300 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' 1.250
Then New Suite type Accessible room '118' priced at 300 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' will be created 0.931
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.046
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.176
Feature: Rooms Management
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.002
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.742
When User creates new Single type Not Accessible room '114' priced at 80 GBP with 'no features added to the room' 0.536
Then New Single type Not Accessible room '114' priced at 80 GBP with 'no features added to the room' will be created 0.761
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.048
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.104
Feature: Rooms Management
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.627
When User creates new Double type Accessible room '116' priced at 200 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 1.356
Then New Double type Accessible room '116' priced at 200 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' will be created 0.838
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.042
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.144
Feature: Rooms Management
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.541
When User creates new Family type Accessible room '117' priced at 250 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' 1.529
Then New Family type Accessible room '117' priced at 250 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' will be created 0.895
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.096
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.134
Feature: Contact Hotel
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.475
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property regarding 'Special Accommodation' by filling up all mandatory fields with valid data 1.027
Then Visitor 'John Doe' will get Thanks for getting in touch message regarding subject 'Special Accommodation' 0.628
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.164
Feature: Login
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.546
When Tries to login with valid username and password 0.295
Then User is Logged In 0.039
And User is redirected to Rooms Management Page 0.016
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.147