Project Number Date
functional-tests 1 17 Feb 2025, 09:20

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@minor 24 0 0 0 0 24 12 0 12 24.776 Passed
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.502
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property regarding 'Special Accommodation' by filling up message with value length of 2001 characters 3.511
Then Visitor will get Contact Validation Error Message: 'Message must be between 20 and 2000 characters.' 0.123
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.218
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.512
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property by filling up subject with value length of 4 characters 1.321
Then Visitor will get Contact Validation Error Message: 'Subject must be between 5 and 100 characters.' 0.116
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.145
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.603
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property regarding 'Special Accommodation' by filling up phone with invalid value: '1234567890123456789012' 1.681
Then Visitor will get Contact Validation Error Message: 'Phone must be between 11 and 21 characters.' 0.116
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.139
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.822
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property by filling up subject with value length of 101 characters 1.371
Then Visitor will get Contact Validation Error Message: 'Subject must be between 5 and 100 characters.' 0.126
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.154
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.620
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property regarding 'Special Accommodation' by filling up phone with invalid value: '1234567890' 0.830
Then Visitor will get Contact Validation Error Message: 'Phone must be between 11 and 21 characters.' 0.580
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.143
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.457
When Visitor 'John Doe' tries to contact property regarding 'Special Accommodation' by filling up message with value length of 19 characters 0.967
Then Visitor will get Contact Validation Error Message: 'Message must be between 20 and 2000 characters.' 0.586
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.124
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.553
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with an email '' tries to book a room '1408' by filling up phone with value length of 10 characters 1.923
Then Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 11 and 21' 0.644
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.090
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.220
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.537
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with an email '' tries to book a room '1408' by filling up phone with value length of 22 characters 1.852
Then Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 11 and 21' 0.101
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.049
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.114
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.559
When Visitor 'John' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' by filling up last name with value length of 2 characters 1.417
Then Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 3 and 30' 0.579
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.038
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.145
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.705
When Visitor 'Doe' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' by filling up first name with value length of 19 characters 1.996
Then Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 3 and 18' 0.603
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.046
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.153
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.517
When Visitor 'Doe' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' by filling up first name with value length of 2 characters 1.767
Then Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 3 and 18' 0.643
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.097
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.229
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.458
When Visitor 'John' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' by filling up last name with value length of 31 characters 1.329
Then Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 3 and 30' 0.584
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.045
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.101