Project Number Date
functional-tests 1 17 Feb 2025, 09:20

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Rooms Management 32 0 0 0 0 32 8 0 8 1:16.475 Passed
Feature Rooms Management
Logged in Users (Administrators), must be able to create new rooms through Room Management page by filling up all mandatory fields and selecting room room features. If any of the mandatory fields is missing, proper mandatory error message must be displayed. If any of the fields is filled in with invalid data, proper validation error message must be displayed.
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 4.061
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.645
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.005
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 9.282
When User creates new Twin type Not Accessible room '115' priced at 150 GBP with 'WiFi, TV and Safe' 0.957
Then New Twin type Not Accessible room '115' priced at 150 GBP with 'WiFi, TV and Safe' will be created 2.241
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.005
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.001
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.337
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.182
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 2.295
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.230
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.728
When User creates new Twin type Not Accessible room priced at 55 GBP with 'WiFi and TV' without filling up room name field 0.670
Then User will get mandatory error message: 'Room name must be set' 0.597
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.151
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 2.286
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.229
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.538
When User creates new Suite type Accessible room '118' priced at 300 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' 1.250
Then New Suite type Accessible room '118' priced at 300 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' will be created 0.931
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.046
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.176
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 2.169
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.266
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.466
When User creates new Single type Not Accessible room '214' priced at 0 GBP with 'no features added to the room' 0.648
Then User will get validation error message: 'must be greater than or equal to 1' 0.099
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.130
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 2.425
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.253
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.002
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.742
When User creates new Single type Not Accessible room '114' priced at 80 GBP with 'no features added to the room' 0.536
Then New Single type Not Accessible room '114' priced at 80 GBP with 'no features added to the room' will be created 0.761
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.048
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.104
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 1.796
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.284
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.376
When User creates new Twin type Not Accessible room '314' with 'WiFi, TV and Safe' without filling up room price field 0.854
Then User will get mandatory error message: 'must be greater than or equal to 1' 0.578
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.151
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 1.929
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.233
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.627
When User creates new Double type Accessible room '116' priced at 200 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 1.356
Then New Double type Accessible room '116' priced at 200 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' will be created 0.838
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.042
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.144
Given User is logged via Booking Management Login Page as Administrator 2.257
And User is on the Rooms Management Page 5.360
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.541
When User creates new Family type Accessible room '117' priced at 250 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' 1.529
Then New Family type Accessible room '117' priced at 250 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Radio, Refreshments, Safe and Views' will be created 0.895
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.096
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.134