Project Number Date
functional-tests 1 01 Jul 2024, 09:19

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Booking a Room 33 0 0 0 0 33 6 0 6 26.714 Passed
Tags: @ui @booking
Feature Booking a Room
Visitor must be able to book a room for available dates by filling up all Mandatory fields with valid values, selecting available date and clicking on Book button. If any of the Mandatory fields is missing, proper Mandatory Error Message must be displayed.
Given User is logged in as Administrator 0.017
And User has created Single type Accessible room '1408' priced at 50 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 0.023
And Visitor is on the Front Page 2.283
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.300
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' without filling up email field 1.892
Then Visitor will get Booking Mandatory Error Message: 'must not be empty' 0.601
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.037
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.145
Given User is logged in as Administrator 0.027
And User has created Single type Accessible room '1408' priced at 50 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 0.050
And Visitor is on the Front Page 1.996
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.478
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' 2.319
Then Visitor will get Booking Successful! Message 0.059
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.101
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.126
Given User is logged in as Administrator 0.028
And User has created Single type Accessible room '1408' priced at 50 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 0.049
And Visitor is on the Front Page 2.031
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.565
When Visitor 'John' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' without filling up last name field 2.096
Then Visitor will get Booking Mandatory Error Message: 'Lastname should not be blank' 0.098
And Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 3 and 30' 0.079
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.043
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.158
Given User is logged in as Administrator 0.012
And User has created Single type Accessible room '1408' priced at 50 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 0.021
And Visitor is on the Front Page 2.046
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.321
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with an email '' tries to book a room '1408' without filling up phone field 1.626
Then Visitor will get Booking Mandatory Error Message: 'must not be empty' 0.096
And Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 11 and 21' 0.066
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.051
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.142
Given User is logged in as Administrator 0.061
And User has created Single type Accessible room '1408' priced at 50 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 0.058
And Visitor is on the Front Page 2.072
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 0.541
When Visitor 'Doe' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' without filling up first name field 2.178
Then Visitor will get Booking Mandatory Error Message: 'Firstname should not be blank' 0.624
And Visitor will get Booking Validation Error Message: 'size must be between 3 and 18' 0.138
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.001
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.062
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.138
Given User is logged in as Administrator 0.050
And User has created Single type Accessible room '1408' priced at 50 GBP with 'WiFi, TV, Refreshments and Safe' 0.048
And Visitor is on the Front Page 2.307
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioStart( 0.000
Before com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.setupDriver() 1.001
When Visitor 'John' 'Doe' with an email '' and phone number '+44 1632 960018' tries to book a room '1408' without setting booking dates 1.441
Then Visitor will get Booking Mandatory Error Message: 'must not be null' 0.204
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.scenarioEnd( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.embedScenarioFailedScreenshot( 0.000
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.cleanUp() 0.182
After com.levi9.functionaltests.hooks.Hooks.tearDownDriver() 0.273